Category Archives: Ann Romney

Up, up, and away

Romney is now up 6!!! amongst LV in Gallip, 51-45.

He’s up 2(!!!!) among RV, 48-46.

Ann approves.

Family Ties

Politico is out with an article about how the Romney family is shaking up the campaign. Since their family is the size of a campaign staff, I guess that works well.

What followed was a family intervention. The candidate’s family prevailed on Mitt Romney, and the campaign operation, to shake things up dramatically, according to campaign insiders. The family pushed for a new message, putting an emphasis on a softer and more moderate image for the GOP nominee — a “let Mitt be Mitt” approach they believed more accurately reflected the looser, generous and more approachable man they knew.

Smart idea. Mitt isn’t an idiot and he’s not an empty suit. Let him be himself, it’s why he is so successful.

One result was Monday’s foreign policy speech at Virginia Military Institute. Aides are now considering following it up with a speech on jobs and the economy, and then one on debt and spending. Another one on energy has also been discussed. The economic speech is designed as a high-profile pushback to the Obama campaign’s attacks. One adviser, invoking the famous Bob Dole quote from 1988, said the gist will be: “Stop lying about my record.”’

I think this is a fantastic idea. Go right at Obama between the debates.

But the biggest change in the ecology, according to the insiders, is the more assertive role of Tagg Romney, who has been “making sure that his father’s environment is such that he’s relaxed when he goes up to do things, and making sure that he’s not over-programmed, and is protected from the cacophony of advice,” a family friend said.

“Romney gets buffeted by all this advice because Romney takes everybody seriously,” the family friend said. “He thinks, ‘Well, gee, I’m talking to businessman X or C or Y. They’re really smart. That’s something I need to factor into my thinking.’ Tagg has been aggressive in saying: ‘There’s no more factoring stuff in. Your thinking is yours. Be who you are! And you’ve got to communicate that to people, and don’t be embarrassed by it.’”

Tagg is doing good things for his father and has a good political future. He’s the most effective Romney surrogate besides Ann. He was the head of marketing for a major sports team. That’s good stuff.

In public and private, Ann Romney made no secret of her frustrations. Candidates’ spouses often think the husband or wife is getting a raw deal, and that they are better than the political caricature being drawn. But Ann Romney’s agitation was palpable: She felt the Obama campaign had dishonestly made her husband out to be something he is not, and was eager to see a more forceful response, especially one that played up his humanity. She wanted to humanize her husband; play up his charity; and showcase how in politics, business and life, he has tried to do the right thing, even when it was not popular.

This is a great strategy. People don’t know the Mitt that Ann knows and fell in love with and has five sons with. Ann is probably the best adviser Romney has right now. I love Ann Romney!

Morning Dump, September 4, 2012

Holy cow, it is September. Now I have to get used to writing that instead of August (as I originally typed in the heading)

Weekend Polls (with my interest tidbits)

  • All tied up in NC per PPP, 48-48. Interesting notes: +7 in favorability for Romney since last poll; biggest winners from the GOP Convention were Condi Rice (62/25) and Ann Romney (54/26)…Rubio +17, Martinez +16, Christie +8, Ryan +4
  • No bounce in Florida, per PPP, 48-47 Obama. Interesting notes: +5 in favorability for Romney since last poll; biggest winners from GOP Convention were Condi Rice (66/22) and Ann Romney (56/22)…Rubio +18, Martinez +19, Christie +9, Ryan +7 (lol Mediscare)
  • Colorado narrowing, per PPP, 49-46 Obama. Interesting notes: +3 in favorability for Romney since last poll; biggest winners from GOP Convention were Condi Rice (65/22) and Ann Romney (50/31)…Rubio +18, Martinez +20, Christie +9, Ryan +5
  • Michigan narrowing, per PPP, 51-44 Obama. Interesting notes: Romney is -4 in favorability in his “home state;” biggest winners from the GOP convention: Condi Rice (64/21) and Ann Romney (51/27)…Rubio +13, Martinez +18, Christie +6, Ryan +5

What I gather: the convention boosted Romney’s favorability in key states; Ryan is seen positively at this point; Ann Romney continues to be a boost for the campaign; and holy cow Condi Rice is LOVED

The Democratic National Convention starts tonight, with San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro as the keynote. I’ll be tuning it for that.

Waking up on Wednesday, August 29th

So we wake up today, on Wednesday, and the world continue to turn. Good to note.

I’m gonna pack most of my usual posting’s today into one post to save myself time because I have an action-filled afternoon once again.


  • Juan Williams of Fox News calls Ann Romney a “corporate wife.” Must have missed her speech, because, to me, the wrong Romney is running. I have no idea what a corporate wife is, but it is not Ann Romney.
  • Condi Rice is working on a political comeback, but she does not anticipate a role in a Romney administration. Perhaps elected office in California? *Cough* run against Babs Boxer in 2016 *cough*
  • Clint Eastwood is heading to the RNC on Thursday. Surprise guest?
  • Thoughts and prayers go out to the people of New Orleans and the rest of Louisiana. I have friends in Baton Rouge and the suburbs of New Orleans.

Presidential Predictions – Wed, 8/29

  • No real news on this front. It continues to remain close with the majority of swing states in a dead heat. Last week’s prediction was: Romney 280, Obama 258. That will continue this week. Need to see polling post-both-conventions.
  • Gallup had Romney +2 before the convention. In their historical analysis, nearly every election cycle, the leader pre-conventions was the winner of the actual election. Just a thought.

And on a completely unrelated note, the first day of college football starts tomorrow!!!!!

Later tonight, look for my quick-thoughts on the Convention, Day 2 and tomorrow, videos and Senate predictions.

The Convention, Day 1

Will update with videos tomorrow.

  • Future First Lady Ann Romney
  • OK Governor Mary Fallin
  • WI Governor Scott Walker
  • NH Senator Kelly Ayotte
  • Former AL Congressman Artur Davis (D)
  • Former PA Senator Rick Santorum
  • OH Governor John Kasich
  • NJ Governor Chris Christie (keynote)
  • SC Governor Nikki Haley
  • Mayor and Utah Congressional Nominee Mia Love
  • TX Senate Nominee Ted Cruz


Day 2 is shaping up to to be GOOD:

  • PR Governor Luis Fortuño
  • Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
  • NM Governor Susana Martinez
  • Vice Presidential Nominee Paul Ryan

Mid-Morning Dump, August 28th

Not so much a mid-morning dump as usual, just some things to ponder.

  • Republican National Convention starts today. There’s a surprise speaker on Thursday…The Boss?! Roll call for Pres/VP is tonight, along with Kelly Ayotte, Mary Fallin, Bob McDonnell, Scott Walker, Nikki Haley, Ann Romney, and Chris Christie.
  • Second CT Senate poll (Q-poll) shows the same as Rasmussen…49-46 Linda McMahon over Chris Murphy. Second time around?
  • CBS poll: Obama 46-45 over Romney amongst registered voters; ABC had it 47/46 Romney yesterday; 7-day Gallup, Romney +1; 3-day Rasmussen Obama +2
  • New Orleans is gonna be hammered again…by Isaac this time. Predicted to hit 7 years, to the day, after Katrina.

That’s about it. Doing this all day:

Release the taxes!

Seriously, why is this an issue?

Once again, the Romneys won’t release anymore more tax returns. Fair enough, don’t release them in full. Why not have your CPA sign a statement verifying the years and  tax rates you paid? At least give that out. What’s so hard about saying “in 2006, I paid x amount, which was y percent of my income?” And repeat for every year you served as Governor, plus 07-08 (running for President) and 11-12 (running for President again).

“I never paid less than 13 percent,” Romney said at a press conference in Greer, S.C. “I think the most recent year is 13.6 percent.”

Prove it.

[Ann[ Romney, speaking with NBC’s Natalie Morales in an interview set to air Thursday night, said “there’s nothing we’re hiding” with regard to the couple’s finances, but that unveiling a more extensive record of their tax history would “only give [Democrats] more ammunition.”

“We have been very transparent to what’s legally required of us,” she said. “There’s going to be no more tax releases given.”

Prove it.

Romney isn’t helping himself. Better yet, release them all, in full. And then hold a press conference. And tell the American people something like this:

Yes, I made a lot of money in my life. I’ve also worked extremely hard and sacrificed a lot. I’ve done a lot of work turning around failed businesses and keeping people employed. I’ve worked for my country in the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics. I’ve worked for the people of Massachusetts as their Governor. I didn’t draw a paycheck from the residents of that state for the four years I was governor. I donate a sizable portion of my income to charity and the church. I’m not ashamed of my wealth and I’ve paid the amount of taxes legally required based on tax laws that I did not write and do not regulate.

Own up to the wealth, Mitt. You are successful. You’ve been successful. Americans like success stories. Just stop looking so shady!

At the very least, it would get Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid to shut up and stop making accusations against you on the floor of the Senate.

(P.S., that should not be protected speech because he’s a U.S. Senator. Because of that, he should be held to a higher standard and susceptible to a slander lawsuit.)